New Greystone Psychiatric Historical Photo Essay

Sadly, the beautiful Kirkbride building at the Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital is at the end of her life. Demolition is looming in the very near future for this architectural beauty. 

In honor of this glorious structure, I have added a new photo gallery on my website:

'Women In Photography' Panelist

Former California based pipe factory during blue hour

This afternoon, I'm heading down to Google to be a panelist on the 'Women In Photography' Hangout hosted by +Laurie Rubin. I'll be a guest amongst some other talented female photographers; +Alexis Coram+piper mackay and +Jessica Ambats. It begins at 6pm PST and can be viewed via the link below!

Hangout Link: 

An End To Discrimination

I couldn't think of a more fitting image to post for today to tie into the Supreme Court decision regarding DOMA and gay marriage in California. 

The Walker Building at Georgia's Central State Hospital was designed for white males with mental disorders. During the early 1900's, the "coloured" male patients admitted to this asylum were placed in overcrowded tents, while they received a lesser quality of treatment. 

Today, we thankfully live in a country where the law does not segregate or discriminate people based on race or sexuality. 

June 26th, 2013 is a great day for the LGBT community.  

2012 Holiday Print Sale!

Holiday Print Sale

(November 14 - December 15)

I have selected 15 images, 2 of which are brand new, to be offered at 50% off in honor of the holidays. 

$25 - 8x12"

$35 - 10x15"

$45 - 12x18"

$85 - 16x24"

+ $8 flat rate for shipping (in the US)  

To order, send a PayPal payment to:

(Be sure to put your image and size selection in the notes.) 

(If you know someone who might be interested in a print, please pass this along.)


1. Sunset, Santa Cruz County 


2. Zig Zag Falls, Oregon 


3. Bay Bridge, San Francisco 


4. Marshall Beach, San Francisco 


5. T-Rex, Cabazon Dinosaurs 


6. Moonrise over bus maintenance yard, California 


7. USS Iowa, California 


8. Cooling Tower, Nuclear Power Plant


9. Weston State Hospital in fog, West Virginia 


10. Administration staircase, Virginia State Hospital

woodward _mg_7173.jpeg

11. Woodward Ave Church, Detroit 


12. Bowling Alley, NY Psychiatric Hospital 


13. Seclusion Rooms, South Carolina Lunatic Asylum


14. House at a former commune


15. Patient wing, State Hospital 

Mare Island Nocturnes Exhibit

A few of my night photographs will be included in the Mare Island Night Photography Exhibit opening August 3. 


August 3 - September 15, 2011

Mare Island Historic Park Foundation Museum

1100 Railroad Avenue, Mare Island, Vallejo [map]

Museum Hours: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. weekdays, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd full weekends of the month.

Reception: Sunday, August 14 from 2 to 4 pm

Mare Island Nocturnes features fine art photography, done at night, utilizing long time exposures, by photographers from all over the SF Bay Area, many on return nocturnal “tours of duty.”  Chris Rasmussen, a member of the Save Our Sail Advisory Group, and one of the Jurors of the exhibit, has described the exhibit as “A marvelous array of images demonstrating the stark beauty of Mare Island, its industrious past now locked up in a great stillness.” We hope the public will come see these images of a seldom-seen side of the former Mare Island Shipyard, and help celebrate The Nocturnes Twentieth Anniversary - and five years on Mare Island!

Exhibiting Artists Include:

Harvey Abernathey

Tim Baskerville

Mike Browne

Tamara Danoyan

David Dasinger

Andy Frazer

Lenny Greenwald

Alan Grinberg

Ed Hamilton

Amy Heiden

Steve Jackson

Kim Kulish

G Dan Mitchell

Shawn Peterson

Joe Reifer

Deb Rourke

Greta & Manu Schnetzler

Marla Showfer

Richard Stough

Cassandra Wright