Photo: "Docked"


Part of a haulted housing project in Bethel Island, California scheduled to have been completed by 2008. The project plan contained 494 plots, 416 docks, 19 new streets and a marina, but the only elemtents constructed thus far are the docks. 

(Night. Full moon. 240 seconds. Lit by moonlight.)

Photo: "Rec Yard"

Alcatraz _MG_2972.jpg

Inside the recreation yard at Alcatraz. (Night. 105 seconds. Lit by moonlight & ambient light.)

Throughout the years of Alcatraz operation, the rules for the recreation yard changed. At one point, inmates were only allowed to spend a few hours on Saturdays and Sundays in the yard. During the later years, they were able to spend all day throughout the entire weekend playing basketball, handball, bridge or just chatting with other inmates.